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What fire prevention measures have fabric store

  1, storage should avoid bustling downtown, close to the urban fringe areas and there is water, in the land of perennial dominant wind upwind or crosswind, and should build fences or take other protective measures. Fabric Warehouse warehouse, yard and outdoor power distribution station, building defenses should be specific spacing requirements for the state of arrangement.
  2. Fabrics or construction of buildings within the warehouse and yard flammable, should not be set lounge, curators office coffers. Warehouse fire rating, the number of layers and the area should be consistent with the relevant provisions.
  3. Treasury inner fabric store should have some limits. Stay between stacking the channel width of the main channel of at least 2 meters, the small channel remains at least 1.5 meters, in order to facilitate the operation and ventilation. In a secondary fire resistance rating of the Treasury, stack height of not less than two meters away from the roof; in the gable roof and three fire resistance rating of the Treasury, stack height of not less than one meter away from the beam.
  4, Lu large, semi-open yard total reserves of more than 5000 tons of fabric, you should set up sub-yard, fire interval between the yard to keep at least 30 meters. Each stack bottom area should be less than 100 square meters, stack height is less than 6 meters. Stacking Grouping arrangement, each smaller than the distance 6 stack, stacks and stacks is greater than 6 m, distance between the groups is greater than 15 meters. Stacking distance greater than 5 meters and the exterior. Stack base need moisture, top of the heap covered with a tarpaulin to prevent rain, flying sparks falling within the stack. Do tarpaulin tied with wire and other metal, to prevent lightning induced current.
  5. Treasury shall be installed power lines and electrical equipment, the library can be floodlight illumination. Changed and the battery power supply in the past, the library should be in the library peripherals electricity socket, rubber cables library introduced no damage no joint, cut off the power immediately after use. Wires, sockets, beneath the gates shall not be stacked materials.
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