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On the wider use of the advantages of clean cloth

  Wiping cloth in the most practical to the number of clean cloth, and it is widely used in the electronics industry, clean cloth materials: polyester fiber (that is, polyester), fine fibers, ultra-fine fibers. Specific to the product are ordinary clean cloth, imitation ultra-fine dust cloth, microfiber dust cloth.
  The following features: microfiber, microfiber silk yarn is made of composite material with a base made of split into 16 parts, quite fine, because the fine, so the effect of the removal of small dust irreplaceable, his price also more expensive.
  Fine fibers: also known as imitation ultra-fine fibers, its thickness is between silk microfiber ordinary fiber, features relatively soft, cheap, if the customer can accept, use it to replace microfiber would be a good choice .
  Polyester: Features more wear and cleanliness is easier to control, because they are inexpensive but also the most commonly used products on the market. Fine fibers is what we often say imitation microfiber dust cloth, performance and price between the two, the customers have wider selection of space.
  On this basis, the weight is also a factor affecting clean cloth, clean Booker greater weight of the same material, and the corresponding ability to wipe slightly.
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