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What calico operation process

  Blue calico ancient times, circulation Shenjiu, blue calico modern production technology and the ancient course is quite different, for the ancient craft you may have to understand?
  Nantong civil blue calico began in the Ming Dynasty, has spread. After generations of folk artists, especially contemporary folk craftsmen of unremitting efforts, from a single product to a variety of homespun fabric products, from life to practical utility, decorative variety of types, terraced rice paddies to the city from the field will reach its unprecedented glory.
  Extracted from the indigo blue grass for dye (indigo), the hollow flower shop in the white version, with a squeegee to scrape into the resist pattern gap sizing agent printed on the fabric surface drain, dry release vat, planted cylinder After 20 minutes remove oxidation, ventilate 30 minutes, usually after 6-8 times repeated staining, to reach the desired color. Then take out the oxidation in air, dry scrape anti-pollution pulp powder, namely showing blue and white pattern. Because it is hand-dyeing, the pulp will inevitably crack after drying, forming a blue cloth handmade unique charm - ice cracks, so the traditional skills of protection is imminent, blue calico pattern auspicious festive, three hundred years of modern times loved to civilians.
  Ancient blue cloth degree inferior to modern operating complex process, but the process is the past and there is no ancient craft as a "pioneer", there is no modern advanced technology.
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